Rome's "Villa La Cupola" suite within the Westin Excelsior has all things Roman and excessive "a cupola, a Pompeii-style Jacuzzi pool, frescoes and stained glass windows" . Located on the fifth and sixth floor underneath the cupola of the hotel (which was made famous by Fellini's movies), the suite covers 6,099 square feet and has an additional 1,808 square feet of balconies and terraces. While it only has two bedrooms, five more can be joined to it. The entire suite was just remodeled in 1998 for a cost of around $7 million.
The suite with two bedrooms costs 11,400 euros (approximately $9,880); with the five optional bedrooms the price is 16,500 euros ($14,312).
The Westin Excelsior
Via Vittoria Veneto 125
Rome, Italy
Phone: 39 064 7081 or
Fax: 39 064 826 205